新聞報導 - 自由論壇
作者 台灣e新聞
前美國司法部長克拉克(Ramsey Clark), 1969 他擔任詹森 (Lyndon B. Johnson)時代的司法部長,曾服役於海軍陸戰隊,畢業於德州大學奧斯汀分校,並在芝加哥大學拿到博士學位,1991年Ramsey Clark來台灣參與台灣獨立的98大遊行,當時的外交部次長(John Chang, 章孝嚴,後來這廝改姓蔣),要求他離境。事實上國民黨那些黨國權貴在Ramsey Clark眼裡跟垃圾沒兩樣。
前美國〝司法部長〞克拉克( Ramsey Clark )將於8月20日再度訪台,並親自前往北監探視〝陳前總統〞關心他的〝醫療人權〞問題……
(三)下午4 點30分拜訪AIT (美國在台協會);
●Former U.S. Attorney General
●Acted as counsel for North Vietnamese Communists and Iran’s Islamic dictatorship
●Founder of International Action Center, which is staffed by members of the Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist vanguard
William Ramsey Clark was born December 18, 1927 in Dallas, Texas. His father was Tom C. Clark, who was a United States Attorney General and a Justice of the Supreme Court.
Ramsey Clark served in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1945 and 1946, then earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1949, and thereafter a Master’s Degree as well as a J.D. from the University of Chicago.
During the presidential administrations of John F. Kennedy and then Lyndon Johnson, Clark served as Assistant Attorney General of the Lands Division from 1961-65; Deputy Attorney General from 1965-67; and finally U.S. Attorney General from 1967-69. Throughout his tenure as Attorney General, Clark focused on social issues and civil rights. He set up the first federal narcotics addict-treatment unit. He restructured federal prisons to stress the importance of rehabilitation, early release, education, and job training rather than punishment. And he was the first Attorney General to call for the elimination of the death penalty.
After his years in the Justice Department, Clark worked as a law professor and became a prominent figure in the anti-Vietnam War movement. In 1974 he was the Democratic Party’s candidate for a U.S. Senate seat representing New York, but lost to Republican Jacob Javits. In 1976 Clark again sought the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate but was defeated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
For decades, Clark has consistently condemned American foreign policy and its related military campaigns, from the Vietnam War, to the Iraq War, to the broader War on Terror. Conversely, he has backed myriad groups, governments, and individuals with rabidly anti-American, and even terrorist, agendas. Whatever the nature of any conflict, Clark invariably sides with America’s adversary.
source: 台灣e新聞