作者 朱統蔑中
2008/11/18, Tuesday
台灣曾有一位誓死捍衛言論自由的總統,也有一段『雖不滿意,尚可接受』的八年穩定成長期,更有讓國際欣羨,台灣人驕傲的人權與民主社會。然而今天,所有這些都已成明日黃花,過眼煙雲。一個撒謊成性的心理變態者,編織了漫天大網(謊),騙到總統大位(A pathological liar lies his way to the presidency!)。台灣多數選民大錯鑄成,悔恨已晚。
現在政論輿情不乏抨擊其顢頇閽聵,專恣自用,然少有人質疑其邪惡人格異常(Sadistic personality disorder),撒謊成性的精神變態(Pathological liar)。專以正常人對話的角度去求全責備,動輒許以『總統』尊稱,冀其懸崖勒馬,幡然悔改。拿圓鑿去銼方榫(Putting square peg in a round hole),當然齟齬難入,扞格不合。牠需要的是心理輔導(Psychiatric counseling)與震撼教育(Shock therapy),不可理喻的精神異常者,豈能以正常人的認知去溝通,期望其有所收斂。
(1)牠喜歡以傷人或暴力的手段,遂行其獨尊地位。(He used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance.)
(2)牠喜歡在公開場合侮蔑或折辱他人。(Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others.)
(3)牠以別人受折磨、喫苦頭為有趣甚至引以為樂。(He is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others.)
(4)牠用威脅、恐嚇等手段使人心生恐懼而迫人就範。(Gets other people to do what he wants by frightening them through intimidation or even terror).
(1)牠即使在無須撒謊的場合也喜歡扯謊。(Lies when it is very easy to tell the truth.)
(2)牠扯謊去騙取同情,去自抬身價。(Lies to get sympathy, to look beter.)
(3)牠心機極度深重。(Extremely manipulative.)
(4)牠無視別人的權益與觀感,一切皆以自身利益為主。(Has little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others, is self-centered)